Posts Tagged ‘European’

The History of Africa

April 15, 2010

The History of Africa

Africa, like India is one of the poorest continents with the largest population in the World. It faces wars, civil and internal strife along with economic and political instability. Below, we trace some of the important events in the history of Africa to come out with the nature of this beautiful continent.


The Start of a Civilization

The earliest of humans may have originated from Africa. This may have occurred 10 to 5 million years ago. They might have evolved from apes and evolved to modern human beings 40000 years ago, where they spread around the planet and colonized it. Agriculture and Metallurgy went on to be developed till about 1000BCE.

History of Africa:

Past Wars and Civil Wars

Africa has been embroiled in wars, conflicts and coups since the 18th century. A lot of the struggles were to gain freedom from the European powers like Spain, England. The others were internal strife’s in which local tribes fought against each other for control of a territory. Then there were coups to wrest control at the top. Overall Africa has seen a violent history since the 18th century to the present times due to lack of unity & economic progress.

List of Conflicts in Africa:

Slave Trade

Slave Trade existed since the earliest times (650 A.D onwards) in Africa. Transatlantic slavery started flourishing since the 10th century. Millions of slaves have been traded since the earliest times in Africa. Slavery still exists today wit an estimated 27 million slaves worldwide, including women and children.

African Slave Trade:

The Current Situation

Africa is under a cusp of a revolution where it is looking to unchain its past and launch itself into development and progress. Countries like USA, China, Germany, India have already shown substantial interest in its development. The question is how soon can it stabilize its internal strife, abolish slave trade, accept development and secure a future for its women & children.